Office Hours: Why Scott Doesn’t Have Health Insurance, How Gen Z and Millenials Can Accrue Wealth, and What Scott Does to Stay Healthy

Scott gives his thoughts on companies offering cash in lieu of healthcare benefits, speaking to why he likes it and why he doesn’t have health insurance. He then offers tips on how younger people can accrue wealth, including living a stoic lifestyle, diversification, and selecting the right life partner. He wraps up with a breakdown of how he prioritizes sleep, exercise and nutrition.

Office Hours: The Future of WhatsApp Monetization, Should I Renovate My Home or Move? and How Scott Approaches Giving Money to Family and Friends

Scott gives his thoughts on how Meta can leverage WhatsApp, speaking to how he thinks it is the most under-monetized technology platform in the world. He then advises a listener who is deciding whether to renovate their home or move to a new house. He wraps up with a conversation on giving money to family and friends, specifically how he finds it rewarding and an act of love.

Office Hours: How Much Should I Spend on Marketing? When Your Colleagues are Getting Poached, and Talking to Teens About Their Futures

Scott gives entrepreneurial marketing advice, speaking as to why startups should focus on creating an exceptional product over spending on marketing. He then discusses how to deal with management teams within your company when employees keep getting poached. He wraps up by advising a listener who is speaking to their nephew’s high school class about their career path in entrepreneurship.

Office Hours: Cause-Related Marketing, Why Young People Should Get to a City, and How to Talk to Your Boss About Career Development

Scott discusses the trends around cause-based marketing, speaking as to why companies should avoid making statements on social issues. He then gives advice to a listener wondering whether to move to a bigger city for career opportunities. He wraps up with his thoughts on navigating conversations about career goals and aspirations with a manager, particularly when aiming to advance to their position.