Scott gives his thoughts on Tesla becoming the EV charging standard. He then takes a question about Reddit’s decision to begin charging for access to its API. He wraps up with advice about making college decisions and says the key is asking yourself, “where will I be happiest the next four years?”
Podcast Type: Office Hours
Office Hours: The Next Big Thing After Smartphones, Scott’s Favorite Things To Do in LA, and Advice to a 79-Year-Old Parent
Scott gives his thoughts on why mixed reality headsets are not going to be the next big thing for tech consumers. He then takes a question from a listener who is moving to LA and offers his recommendations on how to enjoy the city. He wraps up with financial advice to an older parent and shares what he would tell his sons at 79 years old.
Office Hours: Using AI for Stock Picks, Overcoming Fear of Public Speaking, and How Do You Talk to Your Kids About Religion?Office
Scott gives his thoughts on using AI to pick stocks and make profitable investment decisions. He then advises a listener to conquer their public speaking fears, especially after a negative experience. He wraps up with his thoughts on navigating complex topics, like religion and spirituality, with your kids.
Office Hours: Are Young Professionals Leaving New York? Leveraging AI in Your Business, and Should You Hire a Career Coach?
Scott gives his thoughts on New York and whether it’s still worth the price tag. He then speaks about how to approach AI to increase efficiency in business. He wraps up with his thoughts on investing in a professional career coach.
Office Hours: Can Fast Fashion Be Sustainable? Thoughts on Female Leadership, and Forming Friendships Later in Life
Scott gives his thoughts on the fast fashion industry and how the industry is inherently unsustainable. He then speaks about female leadership, specifically how women can speak up in the business world. He wraps up with a discussion on male friendship.
What’s Going On in the Retail Sector, The Future of AI-driven Mental Health Care, and How Can I Help My Child to Become a Great Storyteller?
Scott gives his thoughts on the current state of the retail industry, specifically how they can reevaluate their investments in technology. He then speaks about how AI is impacting the mental health space. He wraps up with a discussion on storytelling.
Office Hours: Using Real Estate to Build Wealth, How to Use Your Discretionary Income, and Best Practices Around Mentorship
Scott gives his thoughts on how to use real estate to build wealth, all while being burdened by student debt. He then answers a listener’s question about whether to use discretionary income to visit other company offices. He wraps up by discussing how he thinks about mentorship.
Office Hours: The Booming Video Game Industry, America’s Skilled Trades Labor Shortage, & Putting Your Partner’s Needs Over Your Own
Scott gives his thoughts on the video game industry and its promising future. He then speaks about the decline of trade skills in the United States. He wraps up with advice on how to be a good partner and put others’ needs over your own.
Office Hours: Why AI Is Not Taking Your Job, How to Create Opportunities for Others, And Advice on Taking Care of a Sick Parent
Scott gives his thoughts on AI’s impact on the labor market. He then gives advice on how to create opportunities for others once you’ve set yourself up for success. He wraps up by sharing how he showed up for his mom at the end of her life.
Office Hours: When Scarcity Meets Healthcare, What Do I Do With My Business When I Retire? And Grief is Love Persevering
Scott gives his thoughts on scarcity in the healthcare industry. He then gives advice on handling and transitioning your business when you’re ready for retirement. He wraps up with an honest conversation about mourning and grief.